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Fallout 4 torrent xbox

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He also has a built-in Geyser counter that will not let the character lose health from radiation contamination. In it you can see the inventory, the value of the character's skills, the level of health, information about the tasks and the map of locations. The hero during the game finds a collection of 20 dolls that give different bonuses.Īll residents of the shelter have an electronic device Pip-Boy 3000, which is worn on the left hand. Dialogues are just as important in building a further plot of the game. There are very entertaining dialogues, which can be conducted with all the characters.

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But some of people settled on the surface, which is less secure.įrom each decision of the hero, bad or good, throughout the game process, the order of the game will depend. The protagonist decides to leave the shelter to find out what happened to his father, who came to the surface many years ago. The game takes place in 2277 in a network of underground bunkers, which the Vault-Tec Corporation built to save part of the American population. After the nuclear war between China and the United States, which began in 2077, the post-apocalyptic world gradually began to recover.

Fallout 4 torrent xbox