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Big red button

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I said it was impossible and they were like, “I guess if it’s impossible, you should still find a way to do it.” That’s what they told me. PF No, no, I have to launch a product by Wednesday. I think we actually have to commission like a puppet show.

big red button

Yeah, we gotta make-we have to put a bunch of alerts in and then change the way the service works fundamentally and also there needs to be a streaming video. PF Well, ok, it’s Friday morning and due to circumstances outside of our control, related to the pandemic, I need to change our product road map significantly. PF Ok, are you at a computer? I need some help. Paul Ford They said, “Boy, I really-I need to get that Thursday.” And what you heard were 50 screaming dragons descending on you, shrieking the word, “Thursday.” And actually all they said was, “Well is there-can you tell me why I couldn’t get that on Thursday?” Hey, Rich.

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